
Welcome to the Moose Promenaders website. We meet every Thursday year round (with very few exceptions) at 7:00 PM at the Moose Lodge 2020, 5051 Collins Rd, Jacksonville, FL.
Annually we hold beginners lessons from September – April,
then plus classes May – July.
August is our month to dance plus after plus!
We intersperse round dances between square dance tips (phase 2 and 3 mostly). If you like to dance advanced square dancing, come at 6:15 PM. If we have a square of advanced dancers, then we dance advanced for 45 minutes before the regular square dance begins. Our caller is the phenomenal Bill Chesnut !
Visitors are always welcome, so come dance with us.
Debbie and Wayne Miller
Our Other 2024 Officers
Our officers who lead our club are elected in the Fall of each year to serve the following year.

​Marshall & Laura Blick
Vice Presidents

Steve & Cathy Grant

Tom Herscha

Charlie Suggs
Ass't Treasurer
Our Square Dance Caller: Bill Chesnut
Bill Chesnut became a square dance caller when he was fourteen years old. His parents started square dancing and took him with them to their dances. He quickly became interested in the folk art of square dancing and it has become his life-long passion. In addition to calling for Moose Promenaders, he also calls for these other Northeast Florida square dance clubs: Dixie Dancers, The Square Wheels, and the Mixed Nuts (an advance level workshop).